The Higg Facility Environmental Module (Higg FEM) serves as a valuable self-assessment tool, ensuring standardized measurement and evaluation of environmental performance within facilities. This tool enables manufacturers, brands, and retailers to identify areas requiring enhancement and to integrate sustainable practices effectively.
Level 2 of the Higg Facility Environmental Module (Higg FEM) signifies a more advanced phase of implementation compared to Level 1. This heightened level of assessment enables facilities to pinpoint areas requiring enhancement, monitor progress over time, and effectively communicate their environmental performance to stakeholders.
NimkarTek’s Training Program on the Higg FEM V4.0 (Level 2) aims at providing expert insight into understanding areas of improvement, tracking progress over time, and effectively communicating the environmental performance. The training covers all 7 environmental impact areas as outlined in the Higg FEM.
The training comprises of 8 interactive E-learning courses. The Technical Content in the Training is interspersed with Activities, Knowledge Checks, and downloadable Resource Materials. Learners will have access to this training for a duration of 6 months. The total duration of this training program is 10+ hours.