
The Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals or the ZDHC group has developed training courses for the textile, apparel, leather, and footwear industry. These trainings are designed to support the implementation of ZDHC Standards and Guidelines throughout the Supply Chain and are delivered through the ZDHC Academy by Accredited Training Providers (ATPs).


NimkarTek is accredited by the ZDHC group to provide approved training courses through our E-Learning Platform – NOTES. We offer trainings on topics including Chemical Management and Wastewater Management.


The trainings are delivered in the form of e-Learning courses, which provide you with flexibility in Learning. You can start as you wish and learn at your own pace. 


On completing the e-Learning courses, participants are required to take the Final Exam through the ZDHC Academy. Participants who pass the exam receive a Certificate of Completion.


For more information, click on the course of your interest below.


The Higg Facility Environmental Module (Higg FEM) is a valuable self-assessment tool that standardizes the measurement and evaluation of environmental performance in facilities. It enables manufacturers, brands, and retailers to identify areas for improvement and implement sustainable practices.


The Higg Index covers seven key areas – Environmental Management Systems, Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Water Use, Wastewater/ Effluent Handling, Air Emissions, Waste Management and Chemicals Management.


NimkarTek’s Training Program on Higg FEM provides individuals and organizations proper training and expert insight in understanding and implementing the Higg FEM – Version 4.0.


Click on the course of your interest below for more information.

“Higg工厂环境模块(Higg FEM)”是一种非常有价值的自我评估工具,可使工厂标准化环境绩效的衡量和评估。它使制造商、品牌商和零售商能够确定需要改进的领域并实施可持续实践。


NimkarTek的“Higg FEM培训计划”为个人和组织提供了理解和实施《 Higg FEM 4.0版》的适当培训和专家见解。


Level 2 of the Higg Facility Environmental Module (Higg FEM) represents a more advanced stage of implementation compared to Level 1. This deeper level of assessment allows facilities to identify areas for improvement, track progress over time and communicate their environmental performance to stakeholders.

NimkarTek's training program is designed to offer comprehensive training and expert guidance to understand and implement the guidelines to achieve Level 2 in the Higg FEM (V4.0) Self-assessment. Select the course of your interest for more information.

Level 3 of Higg Facility Environmental Module (FEM) indicates that a facility has achieved a high level of environmental performance by implementing advanced sustainability practices. This typically involves comprehensive environmental management systems, significant resource efficiency, and a strong commitment to sustainability throughout the organization. Facilities that reach Level 3 are considered industry leaders in sustainability.

NimkarTek's training program provides thorough instruction and expert advice for comprehending and implementing the guidelines necessary to reach Level 3 in the Higg FEM (V4.0) Self-assessment.

Select the course of your interest for more information.

Product stewardship is one of the most important and rapidly growing necessity in almost every industry.


It is an act of minimizing the environmental, and social impacts of a chemical product and its packaging throughout all its lifecycle stages, while also maximizing economic benefits.


Under this course category, the learners will receive an in-depth understanding on the topics such as-

  • Hazards covered under the GHS;

  • Hazard Communication;

  • Transportation of Dangerous Goods;

  • Chemical Management Legislations and Initiatives; and much more.


These courses are highly recommended for chemical manufacturers and suppliers.


The purpose of Restricted Substances List (RSL) and Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (MRSL) is to reduce the use of hazardous substances in consumer goods and in the supply-chains.


These E-learning courses will help the learners to understand the RSL/MRSL Requirements and guide you to conform with these requirements.


During this training, the learners will gain knowledge on-

  • Purpose of RSL and MRSL documents;

  • How these restrictions apply to the textile industry.


The courses under this category can be taken by any tier of the supply chain to acquire knowledge on ensuring compliance of products with constantly evolving RSL and MRSL requirements.


The courses under this category are designed for learners interested in gaining an in-depth knowledge on the restrictions and limitations on the specific restricted chemical groups.


The content in these training courses will help the learners to understand -

  • Use of these restricted chemicals in the textile industry;

  • Harmful properties of these restricted chemicals;

  • Test methods used for the detection of such chemicals;

  • Maximum Permissible limits for the Restricted Substances; and,

  • Elimination strategies to monitor the presence of the Restricted Chemical Group and to ensure its conformance to the global requirements.


The training audience for these training courses are- Chemical Suppliers, Facilities with dyeing and washing processes, Production and quality managers and Personnel responsible for chemical compliance.


Chemical Management System (CMS) is important for all the suppliers and facilities who handle, store, or use chemicals, especially at the wet processing tiers of the textile supply chain.


This set of courses provides the learner with a holistic understanding on-

  • Development of chemical strategy;

  • Chemical Hazard Communication;

  • Managing chemicals during use or production; and,

  • Correct methods of discharging chemicals into wastewater.


These set of courses provide the learners with an overview on important sustainability and chemical topics.


These courses also give a quick and brief understanding on-

  • Importance of chemical compliance;

  • Basics of relevant eco-terms used in the industry; and,

  • Regulations on chemicals in textiles.


These courses are designed for learners with beginner as well as advanced levels of knowledge and experience.


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